Different currencies used
Nuno Valinhas
It looks like ONLY the Retargeting menu cannot display the currency selected on the account by default (in our case EUR).
It doesn't make any sense, as all invoices are shown in EUR, while we're looking at USD figures for such a key part of our strategy.
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Product Team
Work on this is now complete, and you will be able to view Retargeting performance in your preferred currency. Enjoy!
Nuno Valinhas
Product Team: hurray! :D took a while
Paid Search, however, is still displaying USD only. Any plans for adjusting it to Euro€?
Product Team
Nuno Valinhas: Great news - the Paid Search page is now available in your default currency! :) Thank you for your feedback!
Nuno Valinhas
Product Team: Perfect :) already updates Jan and Feb figures. many thanks